

主持詞 閱讀(2.79W)
〖摘要〗A:Now let’s come to the second round og。不知道怎麼寫主持詞開場白?請不用着急,下面小編將給你收集了一篇特別實用的文章《英語口語大賽主持詞開場白》,本文結構緊湊,供大家借鑑借鑑。




A:Good evening, my distinguished judges, my dear teachers and fellow students. Welcome to the final competition of 2015 interpretation contest. I am the hostess. B:I am

A:At the very beginning of today’ contest, please allow me to introduce our honorable judges and guests. They are vice president ***, our teacher *******


A:Ladies and gentlemen, there are two parts of today’s competition. The first part is gist interpretation and the second part is dialog

2、***2011 teaching class3 3、***2008teaching class 4 4、***2009translation class 5、***2010teaching class2 6、***2010teaching class1 7、***2010business class 8、***2010teaching class1 9、***2011teaching class1 10、***2011business class

A:What a fantastic performance! I really feel so


A:Yes, four contestants will come to the second round. Who is the lucky dog? Let me show you the answer. They are *** B:Congratulations.

A:Now let’s come to the second round og



A: Now let’s come to the first part. Each contestant chooses one audio and interprets it into English or this part,the contestant can not take four contestants will be eliminated in this part.

B: 第一部分是主旨口譯,選手選擇音頻聽錄音進行翻譯,英譯漢,漢譯英,選手聽錄音過程中不得記筆記。本環節將淘汰四位選手,剩下的四位選手晉級第二環節。

A:Now, let’s warmly welcome contestant No.1,鄭康妮,from 2009teaching class two. Now,you can choose a number.

excited tonight.


A:Really? 不過光聽你說,我可不信呢。

B:嗯,既然這樣,就讓我們現場考考觀衆朋友們吧。現在,我們的大屏幕上有一些中英文俚語的互譯題目,當主持人唸完一題,數到3的時候,觀衆舉手搶答。答對的同學還將獲得精美小禮品一份。同學們,你們準備好了嗎? A:看來大家都是熱情高漲呢,那麼事不宜遲,讓我們馬上開始我們的互動環節吧!

interpretation,each contestant chooses audio and interprets it into English or Chinese in while,note taking is permitted.


A;Ok, now let’s warmly welcome contestant * B:Welcome!

A:Tonight’s competition is so exciting, and now, let us appreciate a song ,welcome wangxiaoxiao B:今晚的比賽非常的激烈,現在我們來休息一下, 獲得第二名的選手是:*** *** ***

A:有請***爲獲獎選手頒獎 champion of tonight is contestant No. B: 有請***爲選手頒有請王瀟瀟同學爲大家帶來一首歌曲

A:Thanks for you performance, it is time for the judges to give us some comments. Let’s warmly welcome ***

B:好的,讓我們掌聲A:Thank you *** for such a splendid conclusion. Here comes the result. Who is champion of the competition? Now let’see. The bronze-medal goes to contestant *** *** *** B:有請*** 爲獲獎選手頒獎

獎 .


A:Yes, we really have learned so much from the competition. Wish all of us could make progress everyday.

A: Wish you good night! B:good night!


evening distinguished judges, ladies and gentlemen!


Welcome to the Final competition of the 6th Tianhe College English Speaking Contest.I’m your host today, my name is Fred! It’s my great honor to be here!


Fred,今天能夠邀請到這麼多的評委和嘉賓到場 我真的感到非常的榮幸啊!

That’s right!well, we have succeeded in inviting so many excellent judges and guests who are experts in their own fields of specialization.

And now, let’s meet our honorable judges and guests today 首先,請允許我介紹今晚到場的嘉賓及評委,他們分別是:

I’m glad to see you all, a lot of you all came a long way to take part in the competition. I really appreciate it. Thank you for being here!

由衷的感謝所有的嘉賓和評委 從百忙之中抽時間出席本次的大賽。讓我們再次以熱烈的掌聲歡迎他們的到來. Ladies and gentlemen, now I declare that the final competition of 6th tianhe college English speaking contest start.


And now let’s welcome our president to give an opening speech of tonight’s competition. Let’s warmly welcome.

現在我們有請 爲本次大賽致開幕詞.大家掌聲歡迎! Thank you. Thank you for your opening speech. 非常感謝 的精彩致辭。

Ladies and gentlemen, we have 3 parts for tonight’s competition.

The first part is prepared speech, your speech should be made on the topic: “10th anniversary celebration of our college” after all the contestants finish their prepared speeches, the panel of judge gets to ask questions. The contestants need to answer them and show their clarity of thoughts and wit. This is good for 5mins. The second part is role play, more than two contestants will cooperate each other. This is good for 5mins. The last part is dubbing. This is good for 3 mins.



2.情景對話:兩位或三位選手爲一組從不同情景中選擇一個進行情景對話,情景有:(1)十年前的天河學院 角色:學生,老師,村民(2)建立英語村後的天河學院 角色:學生,學生,外教,老師(3)現在的天河學院 角色:新生,師兄,家長,老師(4)未來的天河學院 角色:領導,建築師,建築工人 3.電影配音:兩位選手爲一組從不同的電影片段中選擇一段進行配音

Ok, let’s briefly announce the 6 criteria for judging. They are as follows:

1. delivery of the speech, includes fitting the theme, voice quality and also the mastery of the speech.

2. pronunciation and intonation, includes your natural tone, your clarity and correctness.

3. vocabulary and grammar, 20points. This includes the right choice of the word and grammatical accuracy.

4. fluency, 20points. This includes your appropriate speed

5. expressions, 10points. This includes your ample expression, and your appropriate gesture.

6. stage presence, 10points. This includes self confidence, the passion and good manners. And the total score is 100.

下面讓我們簡單的瞭解下比賽的評分規則: 1)參賽內容 (20分):切合主題,內容豐富,形式創意 2)語音語調(20分):發音標準,發音清晰,語調自然 3)詞彙語法(20分):用詞恰當,無語法錯誤 4)流暢性(20分):表達流利,語速流暢自然 5)表情,肢體語言(10分):表情豐富,有恰當的手勢 6)精神面貌,服裝禮儀(10分):感情充沛,儀表大方

Our judges shall give scores in a fair and objective manner. All the contestants shall be given equal opportunities to perform, and without bias

我們的評委將會以“公平, 公正,公開”爲原則,爲今天的所有參賽選手進行評分。本次大賽組委會將會對所有選手進行公正的評比!

During the competition, our panel of judges will follow the criteria and the audience can keep this in mind, you can choose your best contestant of today’s competition.

Ok, without further ado, let’s ask all our contestants to come up on the stage!

Let’s welcome contestant , contestant NO.2, please get ready 好,那麼下面我們就以熱烈的掌聲請出今晚的第一位選手 來自 系的 請第2位選手做好準備。掌聲有請!


All the contestants have finished their prepared speeches, and next let’s enjoy a song from two winners of our top 10 singers.

14位選手已演講完畢,接下來我們有請我們來自院十大歌手 和 給我們帶來一首 掌聲有請~!


Thank you for your terrific performance!!!

And now the last contestant’s sore is already here, the score of contestant14 is …..

Now, the contestants will conduct the second part, role play.謝謝十大歌手的精彩表演。現在我們來公佈下最後一位選手的演講得分是 接下來,選手們將進行第二部分,情景對話!

(1)tianhe college in ten years ago, the contestants will play a role of a student, teacher and a villager.

(1)十年前的天河學院 角色:學生,老師,村民

(2)after building up the English village’s tianhe college. The contestants are going to act as students, foreign teacher and Chinese teacher. (2)建立英語村後的天河學院 角色:學生,學生,外教,老師 (3)toady’s tianhe college, the contestants will act to be a freshman in the college, higher grade student in the college, and parents and teacher.

(3)現在的天河學院 角色:新生,師姐,家長,老師

(4)tianhe college in the future, the contestants will act as a president, architect and a constructor.

(4)未來的天河學院 角色:領導,建築師,建築工人

Thank for all the contestants for your wonderful performances in this portion.



the third part is dubbing, the contestants are going to dub the movie they choose.

Let’s welcome group1…group2 please get ready.. 第三部分是電影配音,選手們將對他們選擇的電影進行配音


Thank you all the groups in the dubbing part, and now I will announce the contestants’ scores in the 2nd

part. 謝謝7組選手們的精彩配音。接下來我們公佈在第二部分各位選手的得分.

Ok, before the final score comes out , let’s welcome to give a summary of tonight’s competition.

在最後一組選手的分數出來前,我們有請 爲本次大賽作點評,掌聲歡迎

Thank you for your summary of tonight’s competition! 謝謝 的點評!


Now the most exciting moment is coming. It’s time to give awards.


The third award goes to ………………let’s give them awards.

獲得三等獎的選手是 讓我們有請......................................給爲我們頒獎!

and the second award goes to ………,let’s give them wards.


and the champion is..................,let’s welcome.................. to give them awards.


Congratulations to all the contestants. 恭喜每位選手.

On behalf of all the members of student union, thanks for all the judges and guests. The final competition of the fifth Tianhe college English speaking contest has come to the end, thank you for coming!

最後,讓我在這裏代表全體學生會的成員感謝今晚到場嘉賓,評委及觀衆。廣東技術師範學院天河學院 第6屆英語口語大賽決賽到此 圓滿結束,感謝你們的到來. Ladies and gentlemen, good night! 各位晚安!



afternoon, distinguished judges, ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls!





1. Welcome to the contest of ````Middle School English Speaking Contest. It’s our great honor to be here!

2. 歡迎大家來到離石廷亮中學首屆英語口語大賽比賽現場。今天能夠邀請到這麼多的評委和嘉賓到場 我們感到非常的榮幸!

3. That’s right!Well, we have succeeded in inviting so many excellent judges and guests. And now, let’s meet our honorable judges and guests。

4. 首先,請允許我介紹今天到場的嘉賓及評委,他們分別是:

1. I’m glad to see you,a lot of you all came a long way to take part in the competition. I really appreciate it. Thank you for being here!

2. 由衷的感謝所有的嘉賓和評委 從百忙之中抽時間出席本次的大賽。讓我們再次以熱烈的掌聲歡迎他們的到來.

3. Ladies and gentlemen, now I declare that the English speaking contest start.

4. 現在我宣佈````中學英語口語大賽正式開始。

1. Ladies and gentlemen, we have 6 parts for this contest.

The first part is Talent Show.

The second part is Challenge Your Listening .

The third part is Walking Dictionary .

The fourth part is Making a Passage .

The fifth part is English for Fun

the last part is Magic Voice .


第一環節:Talent Show 秀出我風采 30分

第二環節 Challenge Your Listening 挑戰聽力10分(主持宣佈分數) 第三環節Walking Dictionary 行走的字典10分,每題2分,共5題(主持人宣佈分數)

第四環節Making a Passage 妙語連珠

第五環節 English for Fun 等你來挑戰10分(主持宣佈分數)

第六環節 Magic Voice 百變魔音秀

4.我們的評委將會以“公平, 公正,公開”爲原則,爲今天的所有參賽選手進行評分。本次大賽組委會將會對所有選手進行公正的評比!比賽總分爲100分。 首先進行第一環節七年級組的比賽。我們交給這兩位主持。


1. Ok, let’s ask all our contestants to come up on the stage! Let’s come to part 1, talent



1. Ok, now let’s welcome contestant , his/her talent show is````````contestant

NO.2, please get ready


1. Thank you for your wonderful performance,welcome contestant No.2, his/her talent show is```````contestant NO.3, please get ready



3. Ok, now let’s go on with the first part. Welcome contestant NO.23, his/her talent show is````````contestant NO.24, please get ready



1. All the contestants have finished their prepared talent show, and next let’s come to part 2.

2. 40位選手已表演完畢,讓我們一起進入第二環節,行走的詞典


1. Ok, now let’s welcome contestant , contestant NO.2, please get ready

2. 好,那麼下面我們請1號選手作答,請2號選手做好準備。

1. Thank you, welcome contestant No.2, contestant NO.3, please get ready




2. Ok, let’s go on part 2, now let’s welcome contestant NO.23, contestant NO.24, please get ready





1. Now let me announce the players’ score in the first part.


1. Congratulations


1. Next we will conduct the third part, listening



1. Ok, now let’s welcome contestant , contestant NO.2, please get ready


1. Thank you, welcome contestant No.2, contestant NO.3, please get ready




3. Ok, let’s go on part 3, now let’s welcome contestant NO.23, contestant NO.24, please get ready

4.好,我們繼續第三環節八年級組的比賽,有請23號選手,24號選手做好準備 (第三環節結束後)


1. Now let me announce the players’ score in the second part.


1. Congratulations


1. Ok, we will come to the fourth part, making sentences.



1. Now let’s welcome contestant , contestant NO.2, please get ready


1. Thank you, welcome contestant No.2, contestant NO.3, please get ready




3. Ok, let’s go on part 4, now let’s welcome contestant NO.23, contestant NO.24, please get ready

4.好,我們繼續第四環節八年級組的比賽,有請23號選手,24號選手做準備。 (第四環節結束後)


1. All the contestants have finished this part, let’s see their score in part 3.


1. Congratulations


1. Next we will go in the fifth part, ask answer.


1. Now let’s welcome contestant , contestant NO.2, please get ready


1. Thank you, welcome contestant No.2, contestant NO.3, please get ready




3. Ok, let’s go on part 5, now let’s welcome contestant NO.23, contestant NO.24, please get ready



1. Thanks for the contestants, let’s see their score in part 4.


1. Congratulations


1. Next we will go in the last part, dubbing.




3. Ok, let’s go on part 6, now let’s welcome contestant NO.23, contestant NO.24, please get ready


1. Now let’s see their score in part 5.


the contestants have finished their contest, our judges are counting their final score, so let’s have a relaxing time , let’s enjoy a song from···.

2.謝謝選手們精彩的配音,評委們正在統計選手最後的得分,接下來有請 ·給我們帶來一首 掌聲有請!

3. Thank you. Let me announce the contestants’ score in the sixth part.



1. Now I will announce the final score.


3. Congratulations


1. Now the most exciting moment is coming. It’s time to give awards.


3. The third award goes to ………………let’s give them awards.

4.獲得三等獎的選手是 讓我們有請......................................給爲我們頒獎!

1. And the second award goes to ………,let’s give them wards.


3. And the champion is..................,let’s welcome.................. to give them awards.


3. Congratulations to all the contestants.


behalf of all the members,thanks for all the judges and guests. The final

competition of the first Tingliang Middle School English speaking contest has come to the end, thank you for coming! Thank you!

